We're thrilled to hear from you!
We are delighted to help you walk through the process and answer any questions you might have.
Please feel free to contact us directly:
Phil Warshauer
Telephone: 704.973.4544
Nancy Kipnis
Telephone: 704.973.4554

Community Partners Organizations
Create Your Jewish Legacy (CJL) community partners will each build a strong team comprised of key profesional and lay leaders who are committed to legacy giving. Participants will attend all CJL sessions and meet program requirements.
At the completion of the program, Charlotte will have professionals and lay leaders trained in legacy giving, spanning all facets of Jewish identity, including synagogues, day schools and community benefit organizations. Create Your Jewish Legacy is a public awareness initiative brought to our community by the Foundation for the Charlotte Jewish Community and is designed to transform the culture of legacy giving in the greater Charlotte region.
Contact one or more of these CJL community partners today:
- Charlotte Jewish Day School
- Charlotte Jewish Preschool
- Congregation Ohr HaTorah
- Foundation for the Charlotte Jewish Community
- Foundation of Shalom Park
- Hebrew Cemetery Association
- Jewish Family Services
- Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte
- Levine Jewish Community Center
- Temple Beth El
- Temple Israel