We're thrilled to hear from you!
We are delighted to help you walk through the process and answer any questions you might have.
Please feel free to contact us directly:
Phil Warshauer
Telephone: 704.973.4544
Nancy Kipnis
Telephone: 704.973.4554

Create Your Jewish Legacy
Community Donors
Judy and Stan August
Jeff and Lee Bierer
Adam Bernstein and Tamar Seigel
David and Janice Cantor
David and Aleen Epstein
Foundation For The Carolinas
Meg Goldstein and Matthew Luftglass
Bill and Patty Gorelick Family Foundation
Shelton and Carol Gorelick
Stan Greenspon
Florence Jaffa
Barry and Lorrie Klemons
Alan Kronovet and Cary Bernstein
Alison and Mark Lerner
Harry and Gloria Lerner
Jerry and Barbara Levin
The Leon Levine Foundation
Marshall and Faylinda Lindner
David and Judy Miller
Risa and David Miller
Gale Osborne
Richard J. Osborne
Allan and Marcelle Oxman
Mark and Harriett Perlin
Lee and Diggie Pesakoff
Marc and Mattye Silverman
Louis Sinkoe and Kevin Levine
The Blumenthal Foundation
Mark and Amy Vitner